Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First REAL day

Yesterday was paperwork, doesn't count. Today the menu was roasted chicken, potato puree, sauteed zucchini, and a stratified cream sauce (building the components, or adding the next liquid, upon the last after reducing liquid off each time). I got chicken today so you get a rundown of that one. I cleaned the inside and stuff some herbs and seasoning inside the chest cavity. I seasoned the outside and we seared them real quickly in a pan (makes the skin a little golden brown and helps it crisp up). After that, it went into the oven and cooked a while longer. Came out very nice, I was very happy with mine. I could tell which was mine, since it was missing the lower part of one of the wings. ^_^ It'll be the same menu for the next two days. We're trying to get the basics down pat, so it's a lot of cutting vegetables, and breaking down whole chickens, and how to not cut your fingers off. Dad has apparently failed the last lesson today, so please mock him. However, he was not the first one to get cut, so bonus points for that.


  1. When you add new posts, you can add pics as well. I myself resorted to picasa for my photo albums

  2. Thanks, it's working now. The original picture I wanted to post wont though, so it may be corrupted.
