Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pomme anna

Chicken consomme
Stuffed chicken leg and thigh (stuffed with mousseline in half and olive/bread stuffing in the other on Team A)
Braised leek
Pomme anna (potatoes anna, explanation below)
Mushroom sauce
Composed salad

Kay, so my contribution today was the pomme anna. Basically you get some clarified butter in a pan. Make thin slices of potato and layer them into the pan in a rosette, weight it down, cook until crisped on the bottom, and flip it. You then get it back into the pan (and this was not an easy task, believe me), and cook that side. You take it out, let it cool so the starches in the potatoes can seal themselves and make a crispy potato...pancake...thing. After it's cool, you can cut it and heat it back up in the oven to serve. I think it came out okay, but it needed salt. For the rest: I don't like leek that squishy. It tasted fine, but bleh on texture. I LOVED the mushroom sauce, loved it. The chicken was good, but nothing spectacular. The skins weren't as nicely crispy as I'dve liked. Dunno why really, I think it just got served too chilly. The consomme was very good. I love clear soups (as I think I mentioned yesterday) and the flavor on Team B's was nice. I liked it quite a bit. Oh, and the salad was good. Composed its where you have all the ingredients and componenets all separated out so the person eating it can mix it the way they like.

1 comment:

  1. I think pomme de terre d'Anna is an amazing way to serve a potato. Anna was a special girl, did the chefs tell you that?
