Saturday, January 17, 2009

Whoops, sorry.

So…A ton happened in the past few days and I forgot to even put the daily menu in. I’ll fix that now.

Thursday menu-
Endive orange salad with a shallot vinaigrette
Mushroom leek soup
Grilled salmon
Steamed veg
Beurre blanc (white wine butter sauce)
Gaufrettes (waffle cut fries)

I was working on the beurre, and I ended up plating the salmon and the salad. I also did the soup garnish, it was deep fried julienned leek. Which was actually very tasty. I don’t recall what Dad did on Thursday, but I’m sure he posted something. See my picasa site (to the right) for pictures on that.

Friday menu-
Vichyssoise (potato leek soup)
Grilled ono (Also known as Wahoo, it’s a fish with a shark-like texture)
Salad with hard boiled eggs and vinaigrette
Rice with veg
Beurre rouge (red wine butter sauce, which I prefer, but it’s purple)

I worked on the ono. I also got to plate it, since the day before with the salmon, I screwed up which direction the grill marks faced. I redeemed myself, it looked much better. Unfortunately, our soup came out lukewarm (our plates weren’t warm enough and we pulled the soup too early), and our main plate only had warm fish on it, since we got 11 minutes to plate and 7 of those had fish cooking. There was no way we could get seven plates done in four minutes. Just not happening. So the rice and sauces were colder than the fish. But I’m pretty happy with how our plate came out considering we got an extra addition to the plate at last minute and it got messed up at last minute. It had a lot of changes, but we got the plate out looking pretty nice. That one is above if you’d like to see. We got asparagus added, but it didn’t come out right, so we ended up with an asparagus coulis (basically it was pureed asparagus and a little liquid) which tasted just like asparagus. I liked it.

The past two days, I’ve been kind of responsible for getting our production chart up and running. I got our menu, ingredients, and rough times written down so we know what’s going on, as well as pitching ideas for plating. It’s been interesting. Granted, I’m not doing that next week because we have team chefs for the week and that’s their job. But it was interesting to get an idea for it and I think it went fairly well.

Beyond that, Dad got his business name and ideas all up and running so that’s pretty cool. It’s B&B Culinary Creations and he’s “hired” me for it (That’s where the second B comes in). So. We’ll see where it goes from here.

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