Monday, June 15, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Graduation day
Monday, June 8, 2009
Passed the practical
Monday, June 1, 2009
Back in Colorado
Friday, May 8, 2009
Samedi, Mai 2
Today is the first day that Chef Olivier is also working with us. He is a pastry chef, also very, very skilled. We did two desserts to get a little more out of his being there. He owns a restaurant called Food and Mets, it has the best burgers ever. No joke, you can’t come close to it for less than $20 in the states. And he was shocked and very flattered to hear it. (Oh, and he does remember you, Rama. He was very happy that you liked his food so much)
Squash blossom stuffed with seared fois gras and chicken mousseline (which was probably one of the most awesome things I’ve ever tasted), sautéed squash tops, red wine reduction
Seared John Dory, celeri root pancake, langoustine froth/bisque, seared langoustine tail (Chef also cooked the head for presentation)
Seared sweetbreads, braised morels in a cream sauce, braised mini carrots
Quenelle of ganache with caramel and carambar crisps (carambar is a caramel candy, popular here)
Dessert 2-”Vert”
Literally means “green”. The whole dessert was green for a monochromatic feel. Financier (cake), matcha ice cream, verveine gelee, verveine whipped cream, manzanar gelee, manzanar citrus marinated apples
Vendredi, Mai 1
Vendredi, Mai 1
Today is the first day that we are working in the kitchen at the University of Wine, so the menu will be interesting. I’ll post the menu quoted (cuz it’s in French) and explain what it is.
Amuse-”Declineison d’asperge”
Asparagus three ways, white asparagus cooked in milk with green onion, white asparagus puree with chives, white asparagus sautéed in butter
Entrée (second dish, usually veg)-”Mitonee de legumes du moment”
Braised carrot, squash blossom stuffed with green part of chard, sautéed green onion, sautéed fava beans, braised artichokes, sautéed pencil asparagus
Poisson (Fish)-”Petite bouille de roche et rouge barbet”
Seared red mullet, toast with rouille (spicy mustard/mayonnaise), rockfish bouille (not quite a real bouillebaise)
Viande (Meat)-”Bateau de pigeon, jambonnette de sa cuisse et blette au blat”
Seared squab breast, white chard and parmesan square, squab leg lollipop (the jambonnette), quenelle of liver/heart/shallots pan fried, pan sauce from squab bones
Dessert-”Harmonie de fraises du basilic”
Butterscotch cookie, basil citrus sorbet, macerated strawberries with citrus, glucose/starch/orange “crisp”, sugared basil
Pain (Bread)-”Anis, campagne, pain brioche”
I worked on the squab, which is surprisingly tasty. Really, you need to see the pictures, cuz words just don’t do these dished justice.
Oh, and by the way Chef Jean Michel, who is our chef here, is amazing. He makes up recipes just from walking around and looking at food quality, he plates on the fly, he’s bloody brilliant. He’s probably the most amazing chef I’ve ever seen. I love France.
Hooray for internet.
Jeudi, Avril 30
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Bye for now
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Right then.
A couple weeks ago we did gala testing, where we tried out different variations of the same basic recipe for one dish (we worked in partners) for the $65 a plate dinner we put on. My course was amuse bouche and we ended up with toasted brioche, quail fennel sausage, wilted arugula, and a sunny side up quail egg. We called it a "Quail egg florentine" and I was actually pretty happy with it.
Thursday, I was set for front of house and my partner was back of house, so I dealt with people and he got to cook. There were 30 people there and my mom was at my table, so it really wasn't so bad. I ended up making parker house rolls, gluten free bread (which I'd never made before, but was a big hit, so yay!), and my partner made fogasse (see pic), and baguettes.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Phyllo dough day
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Aaaand we're back.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Pastry day 2
Monday, January 26, 2009
Pastry day 1
Pate brisee (a flaky pastry crust)
Pate sucree (kinda like a sugar cookie in the form of a pie crust)
Pastry cream (a stirred custard)
Lemon curd (lemony stirred custard)
Friday, January 23, 2009
NOT happy
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Pomme anna
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I'll get to the menu in a minute. I got to cut up a piggy today! Not the whole one, we had ribs and loin. But it was still pretty cool, that was one of my favorite things ever. Tomorrow we take apart a chicken for a grade. Nervous about that one, I wasn't great at chicken. Anyway.
Braised pork loin (Mine for today)
Turned steamed potatoes (see tourne on 1.19.09)
Turned glazed carrots
Lentil soup with applewood smoked bacon
Salad with vinaigrette (see a pattern? Check pics for differences)
The way the pork was cooked wasn't ideal for the cut of meat. The loin isn't all that tough and braising is for tough meat, generally. So it was a little more tough than I'd have liked (overcooked texture). I braised it in coffee and chicken stock, which turned out better than I'dve thought, but the meat didn't taste of coffee. The sauce did a bit, but I'm thinking a little more coffee in the future (or at least more grounds in satchels). I do like cooking with coffee though. It's...temperamental, so it's a challenge. ^_^ The veg came out good, I liked the other side's carrot glaze. I'm rather fond of sweet veggies, so that was nice (two days in a row, even). Potatoes were good, about like yesterday. Kinda like mini mashed potatoes. I like tourne, it just takes a lot of work to get it right. The soups were pretty good too. I'm not fond of soup, in general. I don't really like eating it, I don't really like making it, but I'll try it. As a rule, I like the clear ones, more like broths and consommes than anything. I like Japanese clear soups very much. Oh, and miso even though it doesn't count. But stuff with chunks in it? Just not my thing. So I'm a little biased. Maybe Dad can give a better idea of the soup, he really likes them.
Monday, January 19, 2009
No, this is not my team's main dish. This is Team B's, I'm on A this week. But I wanted to show the tournes and theirs was visible and looked better.
Pork loin
Potato tourne (which is a seven sided round shape, you'll see it)
Sweet glazed turnip tourne
Salad (this'll be pretty standard)
Cannellini bean soup (my contribution)
Apricot demi glace
Pretty happy with the soup other than the beans being slightly undercooked (which I personally like). Wasn't all that happy with the teamwork. We didn't do so well today, and I know we can do better. Tomorrow we have another practical, pretty sure tourne will be on it, and a similar menu. Our group leader has put us on a sort of rotation, so tomorrow I'm on grill. Or whatever meat product we end up with. Oh, and today the meat was dry, so I was sad.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Whoops, sorry.
So…A ton happened in the past few days and I forgot to even put the daily menu in. I’ll fix that now.
Thursday menu-
Endive orange salad with a shallot vinaigrette
Mushroom leek soup
Grilled salmon
Steamed veg
Beurre blanc (white wine butter sauce)
Gaufrettes (waffle cut fries)
I was working on the beurre, and I ended up plating the salmon and the salad. I also did the soup garnish, it was deep fried julienned leek. Which was actually very tasty. I don’t recall what Dad did on Thursday, but I’m sure he posted something. See my picasa site (to the right) for pictures on that.
Friday menu-
Vichyssoise (potato leek soup)
Grilled ono (Also known as Wahoo, it’s a fish with a shark-like texture)
Salad with hard boiled eggs and vinaigrette
Rice with veg
Beurre rouge (red wine butter sauce, which I prefer, but it’s purple)
I worked on the ono. I also got to plate it, since the day before with the salmon, I screwed up which direction the grill marks faced. I redeemed myself, it looked much better. Unfortunately, our soup came out lukewarm (our plates weren’t warm enough and we pulled the soup too early), and our main plate only had warm fish on it, since we got 11 minutes to plate and 7 of those had fish cooking. There was no way we could get seven plates done in four minutes. Just not happening. So the rice and sauces were colder than the fish. But I’m pretty happy with how our plate came out considering we got an extra addition to the plate at last minute and it got messed up at last minute. It had a lot of changes, but we got the plate out looking pretty nice. That one is above if you’d like to see. We got asparagus added, but it didn’t come out right, so we ended up with an asparagus coulis (basically it was pureed asparagus and a little liquid) which tasted just like asparagus. I liked it.
The past two days, I’ve been kind of responsible for getting our production chart up and running. I got our menu, ingredients, and rough times written down so we know what’s going on, as well as pitching ideas for plating. It’s been interesting. Granted, I’m not doing that next week because we have team chefs for the week and that’s their job. But it was interesting to get an idea for it and I think it went fairly well.
Beyond that, Dad got his business name and ideas all up and running so that’s pretty cool. It’s B&B Culinary Creations and he’s “hired” me for it (That’s where the second B comes in). So. We’ll see where it goes from here.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Okay, pictures are up
No more chicken!
Today was grilled salmon, steamed veggies (red pepper and leeks), waffle fries (thinly sliced), cauliflower soup, and endive & orange salad. Turned out pretty well, I have some nice pics. Today, my dad and I got to talk to Chef Deb (she is a graduate of the same program we are in and is a private chef) about our goals and ambitions. It was very cool. She is just packed full of energy and useful information. We only talked for a little while, but we're going to set up some times that we can talk more and get a little more information. The part that was just awesome for me was that she had this book called Alinea. This book is about a restaurant. I saw a show a while back about this restaurant that actually helped me to consider cooking as a career. The chef doesn't cook anything that's just basic, or filling, or anything like that. His style is an ART. There is no other way to describe it. The things he makes are just beautiful and that is my goal. I will work the line, and I will learn the basics, but that is the ultimate goal. Forget anything else, I have an eye for art and I am going to use it. So it was a pretty good day.
Oh, and apparently there has been a little trouble with the pictures. Facebook was set up to let people in regardless of being in there or not, but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm going to look into a Picasa hosted album. I'll let you know.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Test scores and practical tests
Test score = 100% Woo! Congratulate me and Dad as well plz. He got 100 too. I'm very happy. We also had a practical exam today, it was on knife cuts. We had ten minutes to cut a carrot medium dice, a stalk of celery small dice, and mince a shallot. I got through the carrot with very nice dice, through the celery with decent dice, and halfway through the shallot with a good mince. I was the closest to finishing on my side, so I'm VERY happy with that (I've been very unhappy with my cuts lately). I'm a bit of a perfectionist, if you hadn't noticed.
We did stuffed chicken again, but this time it was chicken mousseline (which is basically a very pureed and strained chicken mixed with shallots, garlic, egg white, and whipped cream) and yes I'm aware it doesn't sound great but it just tastes like chicken. We also had zucchini (which was my contribution), beurre fondu again (which I love), rice, salad, and minestrone. We switched the service order so it wasn't salad first, but still a three course meal. I did the chicken cuts this time, and made SURE the skin wasn't sliding off and getting cut. It kinda annoyed me yesterday. It looked very good, and I was pretty happy with it. I also did the dressing garnish on the salad and helped with the plate layout for the chicken (which I wasn't entirely happy with). It was very geometrical, which is not my style, nor my favorite. Anyway, I have a bunch of pictures up on facebook. They're labeled with Team A/B, as well as what it is and the date. Enjoy.
Monday, January 12, 2009
First quiz
Today was horrible. Traffic was so stupid. Yes, there was snow. No, you don't have to go 2 miles an hour. We got to class an hour late and missed the test. Because of the snow (and more than a third of the class not making it in time) we only got a tardy and no points were taken. We also had to stay after class to take the test. So it didn't end as badly as it started, but gah, I hate snow drivers. The test wasn't nearly as bad as I was anticipating. Granted, I overstudied a lot. Obsessively almost. I only got a couple things wrong, and I'm pretty sure I nailed 9/10 product identification questions. Cuz balsamic vinegar is difficult to identify. ^_^ The only ones I almost had trouble with were questions asking us to list the ingredients and amounts of ingredients for particular recipes, but I figured it out after a minute. We made chicken roulade, rice, beurre fondue (butter sauce), salad with vinaigrette, and a barley soup today. First we had to get a goat cheese filling in (and that was my job today). Shallots, green peppers, and red peppers get sweated first, add thyme, and fold into the cheese. That goes into the chicken thighs (that the bones got pulled out of) and the chicken gets rolled around it. Then we seared the chicken and baked it. They were pretty good (see picture of Team B's chicken and rice above). I did the garnishing on that plate. All in all, pretty happy with it. Oh, and we find out our test scores tomorrow.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Forgot to mention
Friday, January 9, 2009
Light smell, light flavor. This is fairly thin as far as olive oil is concerned.
The next three are different brands from different areas, but they are all EVOO olive oils. This one was a nice strong smell to it, kind of delicate. The color was better on this on than on the pure (picture doesn't do it justice).
Smelled slightly fruity. The color was even darker than the carli and it tasted a little bit like butter (Dad said something about movie theater popcorn). This one was my favorite.
Smelled like grass. No kidding, go outside and smell grass clippings and that's what this smelled like. Tasted like it too. It was a little peppery as well.
Strong sweet nutty smell to this one. Tasted like walnuts. Definitely a salad dressing oil, something you'd want to taste in the food.
Smelled and tasted like toasted sesame seeds (which is what they did to the seeds before they made the oil). Very nice, but very strong. Too much...would be obvious.